5 sleep myths you need to debunk right now

5 Sleep Myths you need to debunk right now

  1. Early risers are productive

Just how many times have we discriminated against people who wake up by 9 or 10? Numerous is the answer. Getting to work early is supposedly a sign of a good employee.

Truth remains that each of us has a different body cycle and sleep pattern. While the ones getting up at 5 reach for their coffees by mid-afternoon, the supposed late risers last longer without feeling smug at work.

Rising early and staying up late increases risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hypertension.

  1. Sleeping less means you're working harder

Today, there’s a stigma with sleeping 7-8 hours, just what your body needs to get into a restorative mode. The working hard ethic has made most brag about sleeping less. Fact remains too little sleep can destroy your health and body cycle. The mood and personality of a person usually described as cheerful and upbeat appears to change with little sleep. They become highly irritable, insulting their closest pals and typically exhibit paranoid behaviour.

  1. You can catch up on your sleep on weekends

Individuals who skip their sleep on week days due to late office hours or social engagements do not realise that they are accumulating chronic sleep debt that leads to a multitude of dysfunctions.

  1. If you can’t sleep, stay in bed and you’ll doze off again

As counter-intuitive as it may sound, the longer you lie in bed without feeling sleepy, the less you associate your bed as a place of rest. It is best for you to get up and listen to some calm music, meditate or perform some breathing exercises.

  1. Sleep talking is normal

If you or your partner resort to sleep talking persistently, it is likely a sign of extreme stress, anxiety or a debilitating sleep disorder. To cope, follow a regular sleep schedule and get adequate amount of sleep. Also refrain from alcohol and excessive amounts of stress to reduce sleep talking.

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