DIY Banana Face Mask - The perfect fruit for glowing skin

Putting a glow on shouldn’t mean applying that chemical peel full of parabens and benzoyl peroxide. Healthy, pampered skin is just a fridge door away.

Bananas, also called ‘Nature’s Botox’, are the perfect ingredient for rich, healthy looking skin. Rich in potassium, Vitamin C and Vitamin B6, Bananas are naturally gifted with anti-oxidants that do wonders to your skin by removing dead skin, fighting wrinkles and preventing it from peeling. Below are masks for different skin types:

For Oily Skin

Mash part of a ripe banana into a puree and combine 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon lemon juice, which helps in de-greasing the skin. Apply and wash off after 20 minutes. This will help lend clear, smooth skin.

For Dry Skin

Mash Banana into a puree and add 1 tablespoon honey and a tablespoon of yogurt. The lactic acid in yogurt helps dissolve dead skin and tighten pores.

Alternatively, you can also add a teaspoon of almond oil and 2 drops of Vitamin E oil to the banana puree. While Vitamin E oil helps restore lost moisture, Almond oil has hypoallergenic properties.

All of it will you naturally skintillating!

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